
Technology and quality

R&D center

The company has a R&D center specializing in the research and development of chlorinated polymers and related products. At present, the R&D center has more than 20 technical personnel and complete R&D and testing equipment. The R&D projects involve new product development, raw material development, production process optimization, product improvement, downstream application development, and user service. Through scientific and technological research, commercialization, re-innovation, development strategy research and other scientific and technological activities, the R&D center has established close technological ties with the market and continually develop new products with market prospects and competitiveness.

Production equipment in the workshop area.

新竹市| 宜丰县| 兴城市| 龙门县| 长治市| 杂多县| 衡阳市| 南阳市| 汨罗市| 惠州市| 潞西市| 钟山县| 大同市| 正安县| 禄丰县| 台湾省| 镇远县| 阿城市| 江油市| 沂南县| 页游| 襄樊市| 开鲁县| 金溪县| 读书| 烟台市| 罗城| 澎湖县| 五台县| 开封市| 沁阳市| 临高县| 武鸣县| 渝北区| 古蔺县| 大田县| 凌云县| 阜康市| 耿马| 刚察县| 南岸区|